Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We don't have lizards in Iceland

I was asked a few days ago if remnants of a lupin (on the mountain) was a lizard and I answered no, we don't have any lizards in Iceland. We don't have any snakes. We have some spiders but we don't have any deadly spiders or dangerous animals.

We only have harmless (farm) animals in Iceland. The sheep go wild in the nature during the summer and the Icelandic horse is genetically the same horse that the first settlers brought to Iceland in 874.

We have some foxes wild in the nature and nowadays we even have some minks but no wolves. We have some wild reindeer in the eastern part of Iceland.

We don't have any bears. A few weeks ago we got a polar bear on a visit to Iceland. It had travelled on an iceberg, probably from Greenland, but that's quite unusual. We usually don't have polar bears in Iceland.

In the ocean we have seals and whales.

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